When my day started this morning, it didn't take me long to realise that almost all of my favourite blogs were on vacation. It's Thanksgiving in the good old U. S. of A. and my american friends will be showing their gratefulness by eating tons of comfort food and watching crap TV. Let me tell ya, there's nothing wrong with that. Personally, I don't even need a special day for it. Many also took the time to list their reasons to be thankful and asked their dear readers to do the same. I gave that idea some brief thought, but couldn't think of anything other than the totally obvious (family, friends, health) and that isn't write-worthy material, in my humble opinion. So, I just kept vegging out in front of my laptop, browsing through a long list of blogs I like, when I reached The Clothes Horse and had an epiphany:
Wow! Need I say more? I've been wishing for that since I started reading fashion blogs, waaaaaay ago, but until this day nothing. And suddenly, my prayers are answered. So thank you God, Buddha, Allah, the Universe, Rebecca, Alkisti and Aris. Thank you!
All the rest of you visit streetgeist now. It doesn't only exist, it is actually good too!
κι εγώ το πρωί το είδα από την clothes horse...
τέλειο έτσι?
I'm so glad you read the post--I was going to send you an e-mail about their site. I thought you might like them. :)
Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays!
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