Grey and black print dress, ZARA. Cropped red cardigan, MANGO. Black belt, belonged to my grandma. Grey scarf, H&M. Green pumps, SIXTYSEVEN.
I guess this is it. The last outfit consisting of dark colours, lined clothes and tights.
Dressed warmly to have dinner with my sister and a friend at Altamira in Maroussi. For those of you living in Athens, you should definitely try it. It's a multi-ethnic restaurant, meaning they serve mexican, chinese, lebanese and indian food. Everything was delicious, including the desserts. Poppy-seed ice cream anyone?
PS. Sorry for the crappy quality pictures. I tried to do some colour correction on Photoshop, but still... That's what happens when you take photos at night without flash.
I simply adore your dress! that pattern is amazing!
can you be my stylist, please? :)
haha, I was about to put the same header on my recent post... :P
kala opws panta to outfit einai xaraxtiristiko diko sou, alla latrevw ti karekla, kai ta spray sti vivliothiki!!!
Lol, ki ego vlepo ta strogglika tenekedakia kai leo..ti mporei na einai?kai meta koitao prosektika kai einai ta spray!exeis dosei ksexoristi avra sto xoro sou lopi! Kai..na parei.ego giati de mporo na kano tetoious sindiasmous?? :)
Kalo mas kalokairi!
i want your green pumps! :PPP
finally weather is better so let's put some summer dresses on lady!!!
oi fwto vgikan mia xara,exun ena atmosfairiko feeling!kai i prwti einai teleia,me ta sprey apo pisw!
me kinduno na epanalifthw,gia mia akoma fora latrevw ton xrwmatiko sunduasmo..einai to pio chic apoxairetistirio xeimwniatiko outfit pistevw!
oreos o sindiasmos tia kokinis zaketas ke ta prasina heels eno ola ta ala exoun skoures apoxrosis....
(oreo retro sxedio exi i fousta.. tin exis metapiisi?)
So long stupid winter!!! The outfit rocks; where have you been hiding this gorgeous/rococo dress? And the shoes...oh, those shoes... *sigh*
this is so feminine. the small cardigan with the belt it is you signature twist I think. Very nice indeed.
cute outfit, amazing dress !
seriously! beware of poppy-seeds in case u ener need to be drug tested! U'll end up being spotted as a heroin user, without having at least the pleasure of gettin' stoned :) next time vanilla classic!
nina: Όχι, σαν φόρεμα το φοράω, απλά με την ζακετούλα από πάνω τώρα δεν φαίνεται το πάνω μέρος. Όταν καλοκαιριάσει κι άλλο, θα το δείτε ολόκληρο!
Jo: I haven't been hiding it! There just too many of my clothes I don't wear that often... My bad!
Λόλα: And to think I don't even smoke! "But it was so delicious, officer" Haha!
Thanks for visiting!
I love the outfit, those green shoes are so perfect!
Lopi, you are one cool Grecian...keep up the good work and never mind the flash - that look is phenomenal! I LOVE that dress!!!
LOL @ poppy seeds... the other commenter was right; they will show up on the drug test!
+Ivan McK
Hey, I just tagged you with a blog-award!
I love love love the pattern on your dress,
and the green shoes are a fantastic addition x
This outfit is so... Lopi! Love it!
It's so sad saying goodbye to winter wardrobes! However, I can't wait to bring out the linen pants, and gladiator sandals.
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