Yup, that's right!
I finally presented my thesis titled The Architect-Client Relationship. An Ever-Existing Problem in Post War Greece last Thursday, and now I can happily say that I'll be officially graduating in November. Sorry I've been absent from this blog for so long, but it couldn't have been done any other way. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to remember once again how all this blogging thing is done.
Glad to be back!
The picture above is all I could bring myself to photograph from my presentation outfit:
An H&M A-line skirt with tiny grey-and-white stripes, my silver-grey Maloles flats, a plain black t-shirt and this wooden bead handmade necklace for touch of colour.
mprabo sou lopaki !!!!
sygxarhthria !! to apogeuma skeftomoun poso mou exoun leipsei ta post sou (hsoun to prwto blog pou parakolouthisa)
welcome back !!!!!
CONGRATS!!!!!! congrats congrats congrats congrats congrats!!!!
what i can say but congratulations!!
Sigxaritiria!!!Ante kai sta dika mas, mpravo Lopi!!
Sigharitiria, sigharitiria!!! Welcome back!!
Congratulations! It will be good to see you back on the blogging circuit.
opa architect's post! ARCHITECT'S ME TH VOULA!!!
congrats lopita!
welcome back!!!
congratulations girl! kali stadiodromia, wish you every success. And welcome back!
(logged in at the right account this time!)
Congrats and welcome back!!:)
suxgaritiria!!! k eis anwtera! :))
Fantazomai tha eisai polu xaroumeni!!
Kali ksekourasi twra!!! xo xo
Μπράβο ρε Λοπ! Καλή σταδιοδρομία λοιπον απο δω και πέρα!
Kala apotelesmata!! Ki ego paromoia me sena!!!
congrats girl!!!!
u must be proud and relieved!!
glad u are back!
congrats on your thesis presentation lopi. hope you find time to relax and blog away.
Congratulations!!!That's fantastic!Time to relax and celebrate now! :)
oo!abd you changed your profession from student to architect!congrats congrats!!:)
ps)about time kuz i missed your posts!
A HUGE congratulations to you! Wow!
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