I don't know what hit me all of a sudden, but being back here in my family house for the Easter holidays, I spontaneously decided to go up in the attic and look for my old DrMartens.
I found them and all the memories came flooding back: I originally got them on a family trip abroad in 1996, during the whole grunge era. I'll save you the math, I was 13 at that point and too much of a chicken to break them in properly. As some of you may already know, Docs are notoriously hard to break in. They *will* break your attitude first, not to mention your feet. That and the fact that shortly after I left my grunge days behind in favor of hip hop (kids that days) was the reason my boots never got the wear they deserved. They've been sitting inside a cardboard box all these years and it's been bugging me ever since.
So, I did find what I was looking for in the attic.
Along with all of these:

Vintage(?) 70's, 80's and early 90's clothing, my mum's and mine.
It would probably take several days to wash, iron and properly photograph them all. I really don't have the time to do so before I leave, so I decided to just make a big stack to document them for the blog.
Here's the description of each garment, top to bottom:
1. Dove grey kid's sweater by Benetton
2. Floral flannel leggings
3. My mom's early 80's white-with-black-grid bikini
4. Floral nightgown
5. Khaki A-line skirt
6. Early 80's white Levi's t-shirt
7. Pink disco era strappy dress
8. Light blue button-down shirt
9. Black polka dot high-waist carrot pants
10. Light brown 70's dress with matching belt
11. Cobalt blue strappy dress with gold buttons
12. 70's print A-line cotton skirt
13. Mocha brown polka dot A-line skirt with matching top
14. Navy blue carrot pants
15. Bright pink knit sweater with white lacy collar
16. Grid-print white button-down shirt
17. Navy blue and white Levi's strippy t-shirt
18. Orange and brown print A-line skirt
19. Khaki green carrot pants
20. Cobalt blue wool A-line skirt
21. Red gingham button-down shirt
22. Camel angora sweater
23. Black and white gingham button-down shirt
24. Black disco one-piece with huge shoulder pads
25. Brown, green and purple A-line skirt
26. Grey wool knit leggings
27. Red polka dot frilly dress
28. Navy blue A-line skirt
29. Cream A-line shirt dress
30. Geometrical multi-colour wool sweater
Phew, that was a lot. I've already tried on most of them and I have a feeling many of them will become regular staples. Who knows, I may even start wearing my DrMartens again!
As Wendy Brandes would have said, it's like growing your own vintage. Quite handy, especially in a country like Greece, where - like I said before - vintage or plain second-hand shops are scarce.
Feels like shopping without spending a dime!
But still, I refuse to call my Dr Martens vintage. I may have bought them 13 years ago - and some people are actually claiming that the 1990's are vintage - but NO. That would just make me feel old.
esu kai oi urban outfitters!!!!! blast from the past
LOL what a coincidence, I was just thinking of taking out my mum's old favorite Tee's and Jackets since they match the trend atm xD
Vintage things are things we can stop lovin' yet it still grows on us again and again :)
PS: Take extra care at washing D: since they are vintage
ax t floral kolan 8elw na dw!
psaxnw k egw ena!
no way, i cannot believe you documented them! i am all for that red polka-dot frilly dress, can't wait to see it coming back to life on you. u sure took us down memory lane lops...
(*although there is no accurate definition for 'vintage' it is accepted by most for clothes older than 50 years. Earlier than that, it's meant to be 'retro'. there: a quickie on fashion terminology;))
Oh....the attic, my favorite treasure place....!!!Since last year I've started an excavation project in all my relative's attics, and I' ve already discovered more than 30 dresses 15 tops 5 jackets and i'm not finished yet.......he he!!!!
haha, i found my pair when i moved a few months ago. obviously i kept them
mipos..leo ego..mipos..na mas kalesi spiti sou gia tsai..tsai...tsai...eee ke mia e3ormisi stin doulapa sou?????
(aaaaa....kapia stigmi pou 8a boris pes mou na sou po kati pou idame me tin xaritini...koutsobolio safi..3ris :p)
Brilliant find! Brilliant post
hi lopi! I was *just* wondering if there were thrift/vintage stores in athens ... and was trying to figure out who to ask ........
i kept them as memorabilia, i wouldn't wear them but that's just me (i'm trying a more polished look nowdays) although i sometimes miss those grunge times (especially ta karo poukamisa k ti zaketoula tou cobain)
I wish I'd kept hold of my old docs!
loved this post ad must have taken you ages to record all of them!
a blast from the past indeed!!!
Ha ha! You hit the personal vintage jackpot, beautiful. Can't wait to see these in rotation.
i love snooping around through my moms old things, as for mine i simply re-arrange the closet..i still have it all(all the good stuff that is)..and i still wear the most!
loved your post!!!
ooooooooooooooh, !!thank you SO much for the links!!! : )
queen b. posted some outfits with doc martin's and they were quite nice!
you should give them a try! (βέβαια τώρα ο καιρός δεν είναι και ο πιο κατάλλλος!)
I love to shop in my grandma's house where I find hers and my mom's and aunt's treasures, but you nailed it! :)
ps: I refuse the taught of 90's being vintage too, because that would make me feel old! eek
Lopi I've been reading a lot of your old posts, I really love your style, very nice and not overdone at all, you always look very sharp. =)
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