all photos in this post kindly provided by Elena of LFoF.gr
DElight was undoubtedly the most controversial and talked-about show of the season, and that was mainly due to all the hype building up throughout the days before.
Let's not forget the award for Most Commercial Design Collection for Summer 2011 they won at the 1st Inernational Designer Awards of the International Apparel Federation (IAF) that took place in Hong Kong in early October, as immediately reported by Alecca Rox.
Did all that talk hurt DElight? Of course not.
They still remain a breath of fresh air for all of us out here fed up with what we've been seeing so far. Contrary to what most Greek people have come to believe, fashion is not just muslin gowns adorned with countless svarovski crystals, skin-tight satin and meringue wedding gowns. Fashion should be something we could all wear even in our everyday life, something precious and unique, yet still affordable for the audience it is targeted to. In this case, young people definitely not into crystals, satin and meringues.
DElight have proven to us that fashion is not only for celebrities and brides-to-be. That we too can go to a fashion show, point at a runway look and say I want this.
And actually mean it.

Elena wearing her DElight AW2010/11 skirt and yours truly wearing my DElight AW2009/10 dress, happy as bunnies after the DElight SS2011 show in Fashion Week Athens.
As you might have already read here, I stupidly forgot to take my camera's memory stick with me, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise as we collaborated with Elena to cover the show together.
I was in charge of shooting the whole show in video and this is the result:
For more DElight SS2011 photos and opinions head over to my ladies Life Full of Fashion, Alecca Rox, Fashion Algorithms and Ordinary Style Pulse. For the same in greek, Dare to Be Unique and Wardrobe Recycle will take care of you. And if you want to see some backstage fun from the show, The Soho Symposium and Life in Athens are your girls.
loved your outfits!
Thanks for mentioning once again lopi!
Μου άρεσε τόσο πολύ ό,τι είχαν κάνει ως τώρα (π.χ. το φόερεμα που φοράς εσύ είναι υπέροχο), αλλά αυτά είναι απλώς χαριτωμένα ρούχα που μπορείς να βρεις στο zara για 20 ευρώ. Και δε νομίζω να ήταν αυτός ο σκοπός τους.
It was a great show and it was nice seeing you there in your amazing DElight dress!
Thanx for the link;)
cute! i like the sailboats print :)
I have to say that Elena's outfit is just amazing!
Your dress is really cute (i loved the colours),but i think that your shoes and especially the socks inside them are not your style...
I prefer your chie mihara and stuff choices,Lopi.Fit like a glove to you, but not that!
@Anonymous who posted at 15:17
you got a point there...
πάντως τα καλοκαιρινά είναι πολύ πιο εύκολο να φανούν πιο πρόχειρα.
τα χειμωνιάτικα των DElight λόγω υλικών (μάλλινη τσόχα και μάλλινο ύφασμα κοστουμιού) φαίνονται πιο εντυπωσιακά σαν ποιότητα κατασκευής από τα βαμβακερά καλοκαιρινά τους
κι αυτό είναι ένα από τα βασικά πράγματα που μου αρέσουν στα ρούχα τους, χρησιμοποιούν φυσικά υλικά - ποτέ συνθετικά, δηλαδή μαλλί τον χειμώνα και βαμβάκι το καλοκαίρι
@Anonymous who posted at 17:28
thank you for your opinion, I really appreciate all of your views when expressed politely, like you
I'm just experimenting with socks and bare legs here (as well as in my previous FWA outfit)
I'm not sure if I liked the socks either...
ευχάριστώ για την αναφορά σου. Την εκτιμώ διπλά, δεδομένου του γεγονότος οτι η γνώμη μου είναι αρκετά διαφορετική.
You lucky one ,you got to know Rebecca!
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