Annelie Carlström is an illustrator from Sweden.
See more of her work over at anneliecarlstrom.se and at her blog.
And if her style reminds you of something, maybe it's this:

Remember that H&M t-shirt I got during my trip to Amsterdam last summer?

I didn't even know it was by her back then, since the tag was already missing when I bought it.
Lucky me!

And funny thing is, I didn't even realise it was her design, up until the moment I got another t-shirt sporting one of her illustrations, and the drawing style struck me as somehow familiar.
But that story will be told in another post...
She's a very good illustrator, can't wait to hear that good story! =)
aaaaaaaaaa teleio post!!!!!! j'adore!!!!! lopi mou bravo fantastiko, diaforetiko, dimiourgiko, inspiring, apsogo, bravo!!! ax auto to amsterdam ti mas exei kanei!!!
Dig it! And girl, those trainers are sick!
teleio post!
I love these. they are so gloomy. They reminded me of Donnie Darko and...there it was!
wow, her illustrations are amazing! x
loviing her illustrations!
Hi! So lovely to hear from you! Love these illustrations. It is VERY cold here... there are not enough cardigans in the world! How's Athens? xxx
love her illustrations and your post! can't wait for the other story post! ;-)
amazing designs. I want a t-shirt like that sooooo badly right now!!
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